Saturday, May 4, 2013

Petroglyphs and close

Talking of ancient rocks, this area is also famous for its petroglyphs - early Indian wall etchings of animals and spirits (some would even say alien visitors in space ships) that have been here for over 1500 years.

 Today is our last day at Fitness Ridge.

Exhausting but well worth it and between us, happy to leave 13 California pounds with the residents of Utah. It's been great and we will do it again (just not next year!)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Rock on!

The scenery around St. George is pretty spectacular and kindof eerie. It's so quiet. In this high desert, very little grows, and what does is mean and nasty - designed to prevent being eaten or picked - and not surprisingly, with so little to eat, the wildlife itself is very scarce (and also usually mean and nasty!).

The rocks are ancient and the result of unrelenting weathering and massive upheavals over the millenia. Although not having the drama of Arches National Park and Moab, Snow Canyon is majestic and serene.

Truly awesome. Send your donations to the National Park Service immediately!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"What a strange and interesting plant!"

One of the advantages of coming to the desert in the Spring is that you get to see the desert flowers in bloom. Some don't bloom every year, but when they do they are pretty spectacular.

This one has Little Shop of Horrors "feed me Seymour" written all over it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Back at Fitness Ridge

Missed out last year but really happy to be back at Fitness Ridge in Utah, or as it is now called "Biggest Loser at Fitness Ridge".

It has a brand new wonderful gym and lecture hall but the format of healthy diet and exercise and education remains the same. Today's schedule:

06:00 am Stretch and core
07:00 am Breakfast
08:00 am Daily 6 to 8 mile hike
11:15 am  Lecture
12:15 am  Lunch
01:00 pm  Lecture
01:30 pm  Open gym
02:30 pm  First chance workout
03:30 pm  Pool cardio
04:30 pm  Interval training
05:30 pm  Dinner
06:15 pm  Lecture

And all on 1500 calories per day. Today's menu:

Tired and sore and ready for bed but loving every minute.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

All passion spent

The week is over, we're back in civilization, and the results are in: Betsy down 2 pounds and 2=inches off the waist; me down 6 pounds (finally back below 200 again) and also 2-inches less on the waist.

Definitely worth it. We signed up to return but not sure yet whether it will be in 12months or 24 months. Highly recommended - - in Utah. If you're looking for an "active" holiday, our "compassionate bootcamp" is for you!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last full day - time has really flown. The guy on the ground was nice but he just couldn't keep up!

A few people we'd met before here, and some new folks. I hope that we get to stay in touch.

It's been a hard week, but I could easily get used to this lifestyle! Heading home tomorrow.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Top of the world, ma!

Another great day.

Fabulous hike to the top of an extinct volcano - 5 miles and 4,500 ft up. Worth about 1,00 calories! Lots of loose lava rock around and it's really nasty stuff - as one of the guides said "it came out of the ground angry and has stayed pissed for 1,000 years". It catches your shoes, slides away from under your feet, and is really, really sharp. I have a different view of lava anything after today.

Looking forward to tomorrow.